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Sherriff Steve Sheldon

Richland County Sheriff’s Office

J. Steve Sheldon, Sheriff


The Richland County Sheriff’s Office is aware of an article published by the Mansfield News Journal on January 29, 2024, regarding numerous false allegations made by two prior employees and a current employee about Major Joe Masi and Captain James Sweat.

The article references EEOC complaints allegedly filed by the three individuals even though this Office has never received a copy nor formal notice of any complaints. Through inquiry with the EEOC, my Office has been assured no such documents have been filed. I will refrain from commenting on specific details referenced in the article until the complaints are received and the legal process runs its course.

I can say that Major Masi and Captain Sweat are exemplary law enforcement officers who go above and beyond what is required of them while doing what is best for this Office and the residents of Richland County. I can make no such statements regarding the two disgruntled former employees nor Ms. Spicer, who has received and continues to receive opportunities to bring her performance levels up to acceptable standards. This is documented in a performance improvement plan, performance evaluations, and other documents in her employment files, which are public records.

It should be noted that the above-referenced article was published without requesting or obtaining any available public records from this Office.

Link to the article Sheriff Sheldon is referring to. Mansfield News Journal.